Underman's 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY - 30 YEARS ON

2001: A Space Odyssey - 30 Years On

Mr Kubrick's masterpiece, in retrospect


Something to say?

From this page, you can write to me and link with this site. If you look in the right places, you can also read a few of my impressions of the two crucial years: 1968 and 1998.

This page contains:

*Email the author *Link to this site *The homepage graphic


Email the author

Click here to email the author. Be sure to include a working email address if you want me to reply (which I always try to do to people who aren't rude, though sometimes my commitments have other ideas).

This is the character at the other end who takes the blame for the whole site.

This one went beyond the infinite and was never quite the same again :-o) so this one now writes about the experience on the Internet :-)))


Link to this site

This site is hyperlinked from many places on the Internet. You are welcome to link here from your own site. Send me an email to let me know you are in the loop, or if you have an interesting page you'd like me to look at. Now the Net has been flooded with self- promoting dross from megacorps, rip- off merchants and animated gif peddlers, I'm always pleased to hear from anyone doing their bit to keep the spirit of personal intercommunication alive.


How about a souvenir?

If you came to this site before the end of 1997, you may remember the way the "old" version looked. Click on this little image to access a graphic based on the old home page. You can maybe save it and do something useful with it, like turn it into a neat screen saver, or possibly a bird bath (instructions not provided).



All text: Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 by Underman

Start this page again.


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